Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Just Lunch

You know I always see the advertisements for "It's Just Lunch" everytime I'm on a plane and think to myself "that might be fun, I mean lunch isn't that long"
Just to clear that myth up; when you meet a more than slightly awkward fellow for lunch and all he does is talk to your chest. It can seem very long.
For the record, they don't talk back.
Check please.


  1. BOOBIES! This was a funny one!

  2. haha. Have you seen Role Models? The whole lunch I was wishing I could quote the movie.
    Check it out:

    Ronnie Shields: Damn, she got some boobies on her.
    Wheeler: You sure are a fan of the boobies, kid.
    Ronnie Shields: Oh yeah. Sometimes I call myself "The Booby Watcher". I even have my own comic book. "The Adventures of The Booby Watcher".
    Wheeler: Okay. You know, I have a theory about boobies.
    Ronnie Shields: Really?
    Wheeler: Oh yeah. You see, there are as many women as there are men in this world.
    Ronnie Shields: True dat, true dat.
    Wheeler: And every woman has two boobs, for the most part. So there are twice as many boobs as there are men. We're outnumbered and it's overwhelming. We're powerless, and we have to accept it.
    Ronnie Shields: I like yo' take on boobies. And I like boobies.
    Wheeler: Kid, you got a lot to learn.
    Ronnie Shields: I know what I'm doin'.
    Wheeler: Oh really? So you don't realize you've just committed one of the most common rookie boob-watching errors?
    Ronnie Shields: What you mean?
    Wheeler: Never stare at the boobies, kid. Once you get caught, the game's over.
